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Re: [WriteLog] DVK on ACC-2 Kenwood TS-2000

To: "'Steve Forst'" <kw3a@snip.net>, <WriteLog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] DVK on ACC-2 Kenwood TS-2000
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists@subich.com>
Reply-to: lists@subich.com
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 21:09:28 -0500
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
> To me the ports setup  menu is a nightmare and the .ini 
> file is a hodge podge.  But despite that, rig control is 
> ok on comm1, FSK works via the Rascal on comm 7, and I 
> key CW via a transistor interface on comm 6.  I can also 
> TX PSK via the Rascal on comm 7.     I know something is 
> set wrong, but can't figure it out for the life of me.

WriteLog has three sources of PTT: 

1) The CW port ("All mode PTT on CW port RTS") 
2) Radio command on the rig control port (Comm PTT) 
3) The RTTY port (RTTY Window | Port) 

The first two sources are used for all modes (CW, SSB, digital) 
but the third source is active only in RTTY.  It is unfortunate 
that WriteLog does not appear to be able to use the same port 
for FSK (FSK=TxD, PTT=RTS) and CW (CW=DTR, PTT=RTS) but that 
would be difficult in Windows - particularly since WriteLog and 
RTTYrite (the RTTY Window) are really separate programs that 
communicate using DDE. 

In your case, I assume the RASCAL is connected to pin 9 (PKS) 
on ACC2.  That works for PSK31/AFSK audio (it is the correct 
way to do PSK31/AFSK).  However, since COM7 is used only in 
RTTY, you are not activating PKS (and therefore not enabling 
audio from PKD and muting the front panel microphone input) 
when using the DVK (voice macros).  

Unfortunately, neither the CW interface (COM 6) nor the 
radio command (COMM PTT) enable the PKD input (ACC2, pin 

Since you should not care if the front panel mic is active 
during DVK playback, if it were me I would simply connect 
the PTT line from the CW interface to PKS (ACC2, pin 9) 
in parallel with the PTT from the RASCAL.  PKS will work 
for CW PTT, DVK PTT and RTTY PTT in all Kenwood rigs except 
the TS-440 and TS-940 (which require PTT on BOTH 9 & 13).

There are some other considerations for Kenwood rigs (I do 
not have the rigs so I don't know the specifics on each 
model) ... in some of the rigs, PKD (ACC2, pin 11) is active 
in parallel with the front panel mic while some mute PKD 
unless PKS is active.  For those radios in which PKD is 
active at all times, the station microphone can be connected 
to the sound card (Mic In) instead of the transceiver and 
WirteLog's built-in audio switching can be used for mic/DVK 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Forst [mailto:kw3a@snip.net] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 6:21 PM
> To: lists@subich.com
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] DVK on ACC-2 Kenwood TS-2000
> Hi Joe,
> First a tip  of the hat to you.  Over the years, I've seen 
> you help out guys 
> even though it isn't putting any money in your pocket. Tnx 
> for being so 
> generous with your knowledge.
> So you confirmed my belief that I need to get ptt on acc-2, 
> but  what am I 
> missing  within Writelog?   To me the ports setup  menu is a 
> nightmare and 
> the .ini file is a hodge podge.  But despite that, rig 
> control is ok on 
> comm1, FSK works via the Rascal on comm 7, and I key CW via a 
> transistor 
> interface on comm 6.  I can also TX PSK via the Rascal on 
> comm 7.     I know 
> something is set wrong, but can't figure it out for the life of me.
> 73, Steve KW3A
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists@subich.com>
> To: "'steve'" <kw3a@snip.net>; <WriteLog@contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:45 PM
> Subject: RE: [WriteLog] DVK on ACC-2 Kenwood TS-2000
> >
> >
> >> I think the kenwood wants to see PTT on the ACC-2 jack, 
> and not the 
> >> rig's serial port for things to work right.
> >
> > Yes.  In order to take audio on ACC2 (PKD, Pin 11), the TS-2000 and 
> > most of the other current/recent Kenwood transceivers will 
> require PTT 
> > on ACC2 (PKS, pin 9).  The microphone input requires the 
> use of front 
> > panel PTT or SS, Pin 13, of ACC2.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> >   ... Joe, W4TV
> >
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: writelog-bounces@contesting.com 
> >> [mailto:writelog-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of steve
> >> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:13 PM
> >> To: WriteLog@contesting.com
> >> Subject: [WriteLog] DVK on ACC-2 Kenwood TS-2000
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm trying to get DVK to  work via the rear ACC-2 13 pin 
> DIN jack on 
> >> a Kenwood TS-2000.  Rig control is on comm1 and Rascal
> >> interface is connected
> >> to comm7.   The interface works fine on comm 7 when running
> >> FSK RTTY from
> >> Writelog,  but I can't get it to do DVK.
> >>
> >> I think all radio menus are correct, as I can go to 
> Digipan and have 
> >> it TX on comm 7 via the ACC-2 jack.
> >>
> >> In writelog, I have  "Windows Sound Board" selected for 
> DVK, but it 
> >> seems that "None" is checked for DVK port, and I can't get it to
> >> uncheck or move
> >> the check to any other port.
> >>
> >> I think I'm getting in over my head, CW, rig control, and FSK all 
> >> work fine
> >> and I'd hate to screw  these things up.   I think the kenwood
> >> wants to see
> >> PTT on the ACC-2 jack, and not the rig's serial port for things to 
> >> work right.
> >>
> >> Anyone using a similar setup?
> >>
> >> tnx and 73, Steve KW3A
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> WriteLog mailing list
> >> WriteLog@contesting.com 
> >> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/writelog
> >> WriteLog on the web:  http://www.writelog.com/
> >
> > 

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