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Re: [WriteLog] WriteLog - DIGI Keyer - IC7800

To: "'Jon Suehiro'" <nn5t@attglobal.net>, <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] WriteLog - DIGI Keyer - IC7800
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <w4tv@subich.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 01:34:16 -0400
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Check the "PTT" box on the FSK port (COM 7) in Router (MMTTY will 
operate PTT in FSK) and set PTT to COM 6 RTS WL Will operate PTT 
in CW and SSB.  You DVK audio will need to come from a separate 
sound card since DigiKeyer does not support voice operation. 

see: www.microham.com/Downloads/DK_WriteLog_Setup.pdf  

Note: starting with Router 5.0.1 this configuration will also work 
with RTTYRite if you check "strict bps" in Router.  Do not use the 
"software FSK" setting in WriteLog/RTTYrite with DigiKeyer, microKEYER, 
microKEYER II or MK2R/MK2R+. 


   ... Joe Subich, W4TV 
       microHAM America 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-bounces@contesting.com 
> [mailto:writelog-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jon Suehiro
> Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 12:50 AM
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] WriteLog - DIGI Keyer - IC7800
> This week, I replaced my long time favor FT1000D with IC7800 
> in the main rig
> position.
> --- Same PC with XP Pro, WriteLog latest version, DIGI Keyer 
> with latest
> microHAM USB Device Router 5.0.1, and less than 1 week old IC7800 ---
> Actually I received DB15-IC7800 cable for microHam to replace 
> the original
> cable for FT1000, nothing else is changed.
> WriteLog PORTS are
>               WL                                              
> DIGI Keyer (CAT level jumpers set to RS-232)
> CommSlot1=4   No Rig                                          PTT: RTS
> CommSlot2=5   Icom IC-7800 9600 Poll x Comm PTT YES   Radio 9600 8N2
> CommSlot3=6   CW (No Rig)                                       CW: DTR
> CommSlot4=7   No Rig                                    FSK: x PTT
>               x All mode PTT on CW port RTS
> IC7800        CI-V Baud Rate          Auto
>       CI-V Address            6Ah
>       CI-V Transceive         ON
>       RS-232C Function        CI-V
>       Decode Baud Rate        9600
> Frequency / Mode are talking to the radio from WriteLog.
> I can test DIGI Keyer PTT OK through Device Router (DIGI 
> Keyer panel LED PTT
> ON and IC7800 on TX).
> ISSUE is --- On FSK, the radio PTT is actually keyed from 
> WriteLog with
> MMTTY but WriteLog DVK (sound board) does not key the IC7800 
> PTT on SSB
> (DIGI Keyer panel LED PTT stays OFF).
> At the same condition, FT1000D is keyed when DVK is activated 
> through the
> function keys.   I used old COM port setup with FT847 on 
> COM1, PTT is keyed
> OK.
> ----------
> Smells like some how the issue is within WL but I was unable 
> to find any
> hint in regard to PTT matter on SSB.   Of course the wave 
> file audio output
> will be transmitted if I keyed the PTT manually from either 
> front panel
> TRANSMIT or external PTT through ACC jack (or turn on VOX).
> Any advise why remote PTT is not working ?
> Thanks de NN5T Jon Suehiro

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