Needless to say, I ran into this problem after the CQWW started!
I have all my CW messages set, and in the ports setup I have CW on LPT1 (as
always), rig on COM 5 (as always) and CW keyer type on PC generates. been using
writelog for several years and never had this problem before.
when I hit an F-key, the relay kicks over to transmit, and the rig transmits
a steady carrier for a few seconds (seems to correspond to normal time to send
the particular message) then goes back to receive. all messages act the same
when I switch over to my DXbase software (which is NOT on when writelog is in
use), and hit the CW message keys, everything works fine...nothing different
in setup except the software, which seems to rule out rig issues.
HELP ! any ideas? Hank KF2O
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