I am interested in setting up so2r for the sept VHF contest, using an ICOM 706
for 6 meter and a YAESU 290R for 2 meter. I am looking to set up the Voice
Keyer for use with both rigs, and use a microphone plugged into the PC for both
radios. This is the first time I plan to use writelog, in the past I have used
a rigblaster nomic and AAvoice to run my 706 with the soundcard voice keyer. I
did get a K1NU cable for the 706, and it seems to be working fine, except for
keying the rig (I believe I read somewhere it wont work with the 706).
I will be running this on either a laptop with windows XP, or a windows 2000
desktop. I would like to run it on the laptop, so I can take it hilltop, but I
am restricted to 1 serial port (using a usb to serial adapter, which I have had
some luck with) and the parallel port if I can get userport to work. the
desktop has 2 serial porets & a parallel port. I am looking for input on where
to go next.... any opinion would be valued. I do have some homebrew experience,
but no where near extensive, and would like to complete and test it before the
Steve Baranski