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[WriteLog] General logging application

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] General logging application
From: W1NET@arrl.net (W1NET)
Date: Mon Feb 17 08:46:39 2003
> DXLAB is a GREAT (THE BEST IMHO) suite for DX Logging, but for General
> logging it is NOT the tool to use. For that I think Logic 6 is by far the
> best although it has a severe learning curve and is quite expensive.
Just a question...what is missing in dx that is in logic to make it a better
general logger?  things like rag chew (ability to log more than one station
in a single qso??)

Again not a to be a pain...are there seems to be three classes of loggers
now...contest, dx and general?  I think I understand the first two..though
they are very similiar, I see that I get contest rule checking and good dup
checking with a contest software but the rest is similiar to a dxlab (I
don't care about the network multi stuff) so then what is general logging?
Can't you just create a seperate log file for general logging??

By the way, agree with dxlab recommendation...Dave AA6YQ is amazing!

John W1NET

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