I'd like to "THANK" all of those that participated in this year's TARA RTTY
SPRINT. Even with the less than ideal band conditions I hope you all had fun!
We're particularly excited at the number of "NEW" contesters that were on
the bands and I hope you'll explore the many other RTTY contests that are
To all of our participants please take particular notice that we NO LONGER
require you to submit your whole logs. We have our website all setup for
OnLine Score Submission and that will take care of everything. Couldn't you
take a few minutes and submit your score! I know each year we have a large
number of you that DO NOT submit a score, we'd really like to hear from you.
Come will only take maybe 5 minutes of your time. It's extremely
simple, just go to the following web page:
On behalf of TARA I wish ALL of you good luck!
73 de NY2U "Mr.Bill"
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