Hi all,
this is Ben, DL6FBL, again.
I am planning a short-term purchase of a SO2R controller
to be used with Writelog.
I looked upon "W5XD's Multi-Keyer", "WX0B's SO2R Master"
and "TopTen's DXDoubler" on the Internet. It is very hard to
make the right decision with the published information only.
Can someone who knows just tell me, where are the differences
between the three boxes - what can one box do, what the others
cannot and vice versa...
My main interest is SSB and CW. I would like to use the
Soundcard Voice Keyer features of Writelog. I have two
radios (one IC-775DSP and one Kenwood TS-850S) and I have
two TopTen device boxes controlling a homemade 6X2-Relaybox.
If you don't want to post your answer over the reflector,
please mail me directly: dl6fbl@boc.de
Bernd Och
BOC Computersysteme GmbH · Christian-Wirth-Str. 18 · 36043 Fulda
[T] 0661/9440-201 · [F] 0661/9440-100 · [E] bernd.och@boc.de
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