You can use %Fn or %Pn in the memory setup depending on exactly
what you want. The "n" is the number of the column in the log
that you want to send. 1 is first column (except for ARRL SS,
the first column is the CALL). You count the columns in the
log window (not the entry window).
The "F" version sends whats in the entry window (and not yet
in the log). The "P" version sends what was entered in the
previous QSO in the log.
For example
the ARRL DX has these columns: CALL/SNT/RCV/PWR
%F1 sends the CALL from the entry window (and is pretty much the same as %D)
%F2 sends the SNT from the entry window (SNT by default is not visible
%F3 sends the RCV from the entry window
%P3 sends the RCV from the most recently entered QSO
etc. etc. etc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Graeme VK4DZ
> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 21:09
> To:
> Subject: [WriteLog] Help Please
> Sorry to ask but cant seem to get my head around this.
> Im look to set up a Function key to send the last station in
> the log is this possible?
> thanks for any who can help
> Graeme vk4dz
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