Hi Oms,
> 1) I didnĀ“t find a way to simplify the "0" numbers of the QTC. To
> substitute the "0" by "T".
I do not know how to do this. I do not think Writelog offers a choice.
I did find that when sending serial numbers that were logged with leading
zeros, that they were sent with a leading T. I found that this caused some
difficulty with the receiving stations since all times containing zeros were
sent as full characters. At a minimum, leading zeros in exchanges should
either be always suppressed, or always sent consistent with the zeros in the
time fields (assuming there will be a choice in the future).
> 2) When I inserted a certain call to exchange a QTC and When I click
> the enter in the end of the QTCs, such call is also entered as a QSO. Most
> of the time "DUPE".
I found this also, but I don't think it is a problem. I found that if I
completed the QTC sending before logging the contact with the receiving
station, that it did not get entered as a dupe. If I had logged the contact,
and then sent QTCs, it did get logged as a dupe, which in fact it is, at
least from Writelog's view.
73 Bruce W1CSM