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[WriteLog] W5XD+ Keyer Problem (or, how to do SO2R)

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] W5XD+ Keyer Problem (or, how to do SO2R)
From: martyt@pobox.com (Marty Tippin)
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 08:40:19 -0700 (PDT)

Great info on SO2R - I certainly didn't know about the Shift-Up,
Shift-Down stuff until the two recent postings about it. The
info you've given ought to be captured somewhere for permanent
reference (K9JY -- are you listening?? ;-)


How does this all play out on RTTY, when you click on a callsign
appearing in the RTTY display window of the second rig (or, for
the didah-impaired like me, when using the RTTY window in CW
decode mode)?  Is there a way to prevent the CQ on the first rig
from stopping when you do that?  Or am I required to manually
change display focus to the new rig and type the call of the
potential new station?


-Marty NW0L

--- Dick Green <dick.green@valley.net> wrote:
> Writelog works exactly as it should for SO2R -- *if* you know
> how to use it!


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