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[WriteLog] Motherboard/CPU suggestions

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Motherboard/CPU suggestions
From: ed@privette.com (Ed-W4EP)
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 15:24:13 +0000
It's been about three years since I built my last machine (computer) and I
think I'm about due again. The last one I built used an ASUS 97E mainboard
with a 90mhz Pentium CPU.

If any of you guys that build your own machines could make some suggestions
on mainboards and CPU combinations that are relatively "bullet proof" (as
far as RFI and compatibility with ham applications is concerned) I'd
appreciate your input. I would prefer to get one with on board sound, video
and USB support and lots of slots.

I'm not looking for a superfast top of the line machine. I just do ham aps
plus Internet and home office things.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Direct email please.

73, Ed W4EP 

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