I got my array repaired and back in the air with intentions of being on
last night. When I turned the radio on, nothing happened. I turned it off
for the first time in over 6 mos. when the array crashed. Looks like I need
to pull the power supply and apply DC to the 736R.
73, Roger
On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 7:09 AM David Olean via groups.io <k1whs=
metrocast.net@groups.io> wrote:
> Tuesday night was quite an adventure. I saw that Pensacola Florida got
> over 6.5" of snow. Some spots along the Gulf got up to 8" of the heavy
> wet stuff. The cold seems to be everywhere East of the Mississippi and
> in parts West of the Mississippi! The only weather advantage of living
> on a hill happens on cold clear nights. Temps dropped down to about zero
> F late Tuesday, but down off the hill it was much colder. Sanford, ME.
> airport registered -16F. The cold seemed to bother everybody. There
> were many breakdowns of rotators, rotor loops, and even equipment. AJ6T
> lost his rotator as did WA3EOQ. W8ZN's transverter looked at the
> thermometer and decided to go on strike for better working conditions.
> It was a rough night.
> Hello Frozen VHFers,
> I worked about 15 stations, but noted that my electric heat was not
> enough to heat up the shack. The temps quickly rose to above freezing,
> but then got stuck at about 50F and struggled to go higher. I took that
> as a reason to go home and warm up my feet next to the woodstove. I
> quit early at about 8:30 PM or 01:30 UT. The good news was that I
> managed to contact K1PXE last evening. We had a nice chat. Other
> stations included regulars WA1MBA, KC1V, K1FSY W1AIM, WZ1V, KA1OJ,
> was on from FN44 at 2100 ft and was having great luck working some
> pretty good DX including W1XR. That is a long haul. I tried with K9FW on
> meteors for about ten minutes. K9MRI listened in as well, and none of us
> heard anything. This is about the worst time for meteors, and any luck
> tends to happen in the morning, when the Earth sweeps up meteors that
> are approaching. Midnight is the worst time.
> Not much else to report as signals were very weak, watery, and elusive.
> I heard from the 222 MHz Activity Committee that they tried to contact
> several diehard 222 ops who were active last night, but for some reason
> they were told that the lucky operator was not at home. Two 222 VHFers
> feigned recent deaths, while another claimed to be in a nursing home
> with a drool bucket. In desperation, the 222 MHz Activity Committee
> called up a county hunter ham participant out of the call book at
> random, and awarded the trip to Beechey Island to that lucky ham. He is
> bringing his Xiegu transceiver with him along with most parts of a
> Buddi-Pole and some RG-8X.
> The weather should moderate by this weekend. I am hoping next week is
> better for all of us.
> 73
> Dave K1WHS
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