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Re: [VHFcontesting] Passing QSOs and WSJT-X Improved

To: VHFcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Passing QSOs and WSJT-X Improved
From: Alan Larson <wa6azp@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:21:31 -0700
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Alex wrote:
>I think QSY requests should be implemented with an off the air protocol
using a cloud hosted QSY server and a QSY request client window or panel in
the software. It's silly to transmit all this stuff on a crowded 3 kHz
segment and a waste of time slots that could be used to make QSO's. It's
not like everyone is on a separate frequency like on the analog modes where
you can much more easily negotiate this stuff without wasting a shared
resource with non-QSO traffic.

>Keep the airwaves for QSO's and use modern methods for the QSY requests,
just any other form of assistance folks use these days to scare up a QSO.

"Use modern methods" -- are you saying that radio is not a modern method?
Perhaps we should shut down amateur radio if it is not modern enough.

Keep the QSY requests on the air, where others on frequency can hear them.
Nothing so frustrating as hearing a station you need, then having him move
off to another band, just after you politely waited for him to finish his
current QSO.

Years ago, when I told my wife about arranging contacts on the internet,
she was amazed - "but it's a RADIO contest".

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