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[VHFcontesting] 222 Night Summary K1WHS

To: "NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net" <NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net>, "vhfcontesting@contesting.com" <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>, "222 >> 222Activity@groups.io" <222Activity@groups.io>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 Night Summary K1WHS
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 10:09:24 -0500
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Here is my summary of the 222 MHz Activity Night festivities. When I got to the shack, I noted the inside temperature at about 26degrees F. When the temps drop in winter, I cringe thinking that all the cooling air for the amplifier is drawn in from outside the shack. It really cools off the amps, but also tends to cool off the entire room!   The conditions were typical winter time condx, with weak signals and some very long and slow QSB. All that bein said, I noted some of the strongest signals ever from WA3EOQ at over 800 km distant.  We started the attempt, and I could not detect anything. or two sequences, there was nothing audible. I was sending calls. Whewn I let up on CW, I could distinctly hear (or "sense") the rhythm of a short string of RRR and then I started picking out his call and then the grid.  It was very weak. In the next sequence I could detect him and then pick out FM09 and a few more RRs but the signal was buried in the noise.  I probably was copying about 25 % of the time. When I signed off, I heard Good Buddy Ron, WZ1V start up immediately calling Howard, WA3EOQ. Ron was good copy at about S2, and when he stopped I was greeted by big signals from Howard that came up out of the noise by about two S units. I looked at the panadaptor and saw the blip about 10 dB above the noise. I would say that it was maybe the 2nd or 3rd best coopy I ever had on the 800 km path between FN43 and FM09! Howard was loud for two sequences, and then started fading down to PW status.  I thought that was pretty exciting when you consider how poor the signals seemed to be in general.

I tried with K3SK who is well beyond typical tropo range. We heard nothing on Q65B and then tried Meteor scatter. I decoded Dave nicely at first, but then got nothing except some very short pings that could not decode. It was fun trying, but we quit after about 20 minutes. He was hearing me fine. I tweaked the array up about 4-5 degrees. I think my sharp pattern is not good for meteors. I also have trouble with my 222 MHz LVA as it is very low angle with a very sharp vertical lobe. ( 8 X 5 el stacked vertically.) It is not effective on short distances.  K3SK is about 890 km . That is rather short for meteors.

Here is the log:

12/03/2024 23:53 KC1V            FN31SX  579      599      220 MHzSSB  TR               200 12/03/2024 23:56 W1AIM           FN34    59               220 MHzSSB  TR               203+- 12/04/2024 00:00 WW1Z            FN42    579               220 MHzSSB  TR                97+- 12/04/2024 00:01 K1FSY           FN31MR  579               220 MHzSSB  TR               247 12/04/2024 00:02 WZ1V            FN31    579               220 MHzCW   TR               265+- 12/04/2024 00:07 K1TEO           FN31JH  579               220 MHzCW   TR               296 12/04/2024 00:08 WA3NUF          FN2 KE  56                220 MHzSSB  TR               496 12/04/2024 00:16 WA3DRC          FM28AS  56                220 MHzCW   TR               663 12/04/2024 00:16 WA3EOQ          FM 9JO  429               220 MHzCW   TR               805 12/04/2024 00:21 WA1RKS          FN32IN  579      599      220 MHzCW   TR               211 12/04/2024 00:25 WX3K            FN20HW  579      599      220 MHzCW   TR               455 12/04/2024 00:33 K1PXE           FN31    579                   220 MHzSSB  TR               265+- 12/04/2024 00:34 WA1PBU          FN42EK  579               220 MHzCW   TR               120 12/04/2024 00:38 W1GHZ           FN34    579               220 MHzSSB  TR               203+- 12/04/2024 00:41 WA1MBA          FN51    59               220 MHzCW   TR               265+- 12/04/2024 00:43 WA3SSG          FN2 HD  579               220 MHzSSB  TR               514 12/04/2024 00:44 K2RMX           FN2 XT  55       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               384 12/04/2024 00:46 KA3FQS          FN2 JF  55                220 MHzSSB  TR               498 12/04/2024 00:52 K2AEP           FN32OW  55                220 MHzSSB  TR               157 12/04/2024 01:01 N1MIW           FN41    -09      +06      220 MHzFT8  TR               208+- 12/04/2024 01:00 WA1T            FN43LK  59                    220 MHzSSB  TR                 8 12/04/2024 01:54 K3SK             FM07   +02    NIL           220 MHz MSK144           890  NOT COMPLETED 12/04/2024 01:55 WB2RVX          FM29MT  56               220 MHzSSB  TR               519 12/04/2024 01:58 N1DPM           FN32QB  59       59       220 MHzSSB  TR               201 12/04/2024 01:59 W2BYP           FN13IB  579                220 MHzCW   TR               514

Number of QSO listed: 24

I quit at about 02:15 UT and shut things down.  Thanks to all who got on and made the night a good one.  WX3K was all over the place with a great signal.  The midwest guys were all in there making noise too.  N1GC is about 750 miles away, so I never hear him, but he was making contacts and stirring the pot as well. The sky was completely overcast then when I shut down. No stars were visible and it was so dark, it was hard to see where I left the truck! Thank God I found it. heh heh.

73 Dave K1WHS

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