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[VHFcontesting] 222 Nite Summary K1WHS

To: "222 >> 222Activity@groups.io" <222Activity@groups.io>, "vhfcontesting@contesting.com" <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>, "NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net" <NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 Nite Summary K1WHS
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 22:39:07 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Hello VHF Fanatics

Things were going along just fine on 222 MHz until they weren't! My tower mtd relay box started acting up like the relay was NG. I had to cycle the relay many times to get it to hear OK. Very frustrating. Between that and being all tuckered out, I quit just after 0100 UT. The activity level was quite high and some coastal tropo was building between Southern New England and N Carolina. People were commenting on the BIG RED BLOB again.  Unfortunately it did not come close to Maine, so Nothing to report other than I did manage to work K3SK in FM07 via Q65B-30. That is over 900 km. WA3EOQ was weak but workable, but that dirty relay was really giving me fits. Something needs repair up there at the 106 ft level. (groan).  Another distant QSO was W8ZN who was a decent 559 up here in Maine at about 775 km. All in all it was a typical dead band here.  I'll bet things were different along the South coast of CT, RI, and MA.  I wonder if any good DX was worked. I saw that K1TEO was on quite a bit as was The Voice of Milford and GB Ron in Eastern CT.  I hope they let us know.

Here is my log for the evening.

08/27/2024 22:58 WA1NLG          FN41XS  59                220 MHzSSB  TR               196 08/27/2024 23:03 WZ1V            FN31RH  59       59       220 MHzSSB  TR               266 08/27/2024 23:08 WA1MBA          FN51AS  59       59       220 MHzSSB  TR               198 08/27/2024 23:10 WB2VVV          FN41CR  59                220 MHzSSB  TR               197 08/27/2024 23:12 K1TEO               FN31JH  59                220 MHzSSB  TR               296 08/27/2024 23:15 W1AUV             FN32II  559      559      220 MHzCW   TR               223 08/27/2024 23:18 K3TUF               FN1ØWE  55       55       220 MHzSSB  TR               557 08/27/2024 23:29 KV1J                  FN44RC  55 220 MHzSSB  TR                86 08/27/2024 23:39 WA3NUF          FN2ØKE  55                220 MHzSSB  TR               496 08/27/2024 23:40 N2JQR           FN13CE  55                220 MHzSSB  TR               553 08/27/2024 23:46 K2AEP           FN32OW  55                220 MHzSSB  TR               157 08/27/2024 23:46 W9KXI           FN12NE  55                220 MHzSSB  TR               501 08/27/2024 23:51 WA1RKS          FN32IN  55       559      220 MHzSSB  TR               211 08/27/2024 23:52 WB2SIH          FN31DD  55       559      220 MHzCW   TR               337 08/27/2024 23:57 W8ZN            FMØ9TE  559      569      220 MHzCW   TR               776 08/28/2024 00:00 VE3KG           FN24AV  559               220 MHzCW   TR               432 08/28/2024 00:10 K2RMX           FN2ØXP  559               220 MHzSSB  TR               398 08/28/2024 00:10 WA2VNV          FN3ØKV  559               220 MHzSSB  TR               330 08/28/2024 00:14 K1FMS           FN32QB  559               220 MHzSSB  TR               201 08/28/2024 00:15 WB2RVX          FM29MT  559               220 MHzCW   TR               519 08/28/2024 00:17 KA3FQS          FN2ØJF  559               220 MHzCW   TR               498 08/28/2024 00:18 W2TMA           FN3ØHV  559               220 MHzCW   TR               342 08/28/2024 00:24 WB3IGR          FN1Ø    -02      +10      220 MHz FT8  TR               590+- 08/28/2024 00:27 NF3R            FN2ØDG  -02               220 MHz FT8  TR               525 08/28/2024 00:33 W1XR            FM19HX  56       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               654 08/28/2024 00:33 KC2KAE          FN2ØXX  -55               220 MHzSSB  TR               370 08/28/2024 00:45 WA3EOQ          FMØ9jo                      220 MHzCW   TR              805 08/28/2024 00:53 K1TR            FN42IU  59       59       220 MHzSSB  TR                66 08/28/2024 01:11 K3SK            FMØ7TH  -24      -28      220 MHzQ65  TR               922 08/28/2024 01:12 WA1T            FN43LK  59       59       220 MHzSSB  TR                 8 08/28/2024 01:16 VE3DS           FNØ3FQ  559      599      220 MHzCW   TR               692
Number of QSO listed: 31

I counted 13 QSOs in the 500 km+ range.  My contact as mentioned above with K3SK was via Q65B-30 and signals were weak on my end although I did get one decode at -24.  Again, I was fanagling the coax relay, so those numbers may be off. Still there was no evidence of any great enhancement to the SW. I was just too far away from the Ocean I guess.

I saw that W5EME worked AJ6T again on FT-8. That must be an amazing path!  W8ZN and WA3EOQ worked lots of stations too. I know Howard worked K9MRI, which is a good haul for his 100 watts. VE3DS worked K9MRI as well. It seems there was lots of activity around the country.  K1DS did not make it to FN41 this Tuesday as his plans were disrupted rather decisively and he did not make the trip.  Thanks to all who got on and made noise. It sure was a lot of fun.


Dave K1WHS

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