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[VHFcontesting] looking for new rover sites

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] looking for new rover sites
From: Chris Lumens <chris@lumensoutdoors.org>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 12:40:27 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Hey, everyone.  I'm looking to shake up my rover route for September and
hopefully break out of my score rut.  I am specifically looking for
sites in the following grids:

* Far eastern FN22 - I am looking at John Boyd Thatcher State Park,
  FN22xp.  There's an overlook that seems pretty great according to the
  map.  Does anyone have experiences here?

* Far northeastern FN21 - No ideas here.

* Far western FN32 - I typically go to Hogback, FN32ou, but if I am
  looking at heading towards FN22/21 afterwards, I would like something
  more on the way.  I have identified a pull off on the Taconic State
  Parkway, FN32eg, that has decent views to the west.  Any experiences

I am active through 10 GHz so obviously I want sites that are higher up
and with as few trees as I can get.  Still, I know it's the east coast
and there's a ton of trees.


Chris Lumens - KG6CIH
Hike * MTB * XC Ski * Haskell
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