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[VHFcontesting] 222 Activity Nite Summary

To: "NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net" <NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net>, "vhfcontesting@contesting.com" <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 Activity Nite Summary
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 22:43:35 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Things were percolating along on 222, as my repairs seemed to have removed the high VSWR problems.  Still I felt that things were not very good as signals were never loud as on many other nights. I noted that the K2DLL beacon in FN23 was very weak and watery.  I had a near miss with WA3SSG hearing him calling but then he faded out and I never heard him again.  Still the activity levels were up there.  I worked 28 stations including two long haul EME contacts with N0AKC and VE6TA.  W7JW was also listening on the Moon and is hearing great but only has  20 watts. I tried listening for him with no luck. My RX is a bit off as my tower mtd preamp is being repaired at the moment.  Here is my log for the evening.

06/11/2024 22:42 K2RMX           FN2ØXP  57       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               398 06/11/2024 22:50 W3SZ            FN2ØAG  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               540 06/11/2024 22:56 WB2VVV          FN41CR  57                220 MHzSSB  TR  fn43eu       197 06/11/2024 23:05 WZ1V            FN31    57                220 MHzSSB  TR               265+- 06/11/2024 23:12 K1FSY           FN31LN  57       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               266 06/11/2024 23:15 K1ZK            FN34JJ  57       59       220 MHzSSB  TR               212 06/11/2024 23:19 N1LHP           FN42KM  57       59       220 MHzSSB  TR                98 06/11/2024 23:21 K1TEO           FN31JH  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               296 06/11/2024 23:25 W9KXI           FN12NE  57       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               501 06/11/2024 23:30 N1SV            FN42EP  57                220 MHzSSB  TR                99 06/11/2024 23:33 K1PXE           FN31KE  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               303 06/11/2024 23:36 WA1MBA          FN51AS  57       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               198 06/11/2024 23:37 WB2VVV          FN41CR  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               197 06/11/2024 23:40 WA3SSG          FN2ØHD  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               514  not completed 06/11/2024 23:42 KA3FQS          FN2ØJF  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               498 06/11/2024 23:46 K1FMS           FN32QB  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               201 06/11/2024 23:53 K1OR            FN42IR  57                220 MHzSSB  TR                79 06/11/2024 23:54 N1ROZ           FN32TF  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               174 06/12/2024 00:04 W2BYP           FN13IB  57       569      220 MHzSSB  TR               514 06/12/2024 00:14 W1GHZ           EN91GK  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               888 06/12/2024 00:30 KC2KAE          FN2ØXX  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               370 06/12/2024 00:36 W1AIM           FN34UJ  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               154 06/12/2024 00:38 K2AEP           FN32OW  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               157 06/12/2024 00:41 N2JQR           FN13CE  57       57       220 MHzSSB  TR               553 06/12/2024 00:44 N3PUU           FM29MR  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               526 06/12/2024 00:46 AA2SD           FN2ØXX  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               370 06/12/2024 00:50 W1UJ            FN42BB  57                220 MHzSSB  TR               166 06/12/2024 00:59 NØAKC           EN44    -15      -23      220 MHzQ65  TR              1601+- 06/12/2024 01:34 VE6TA           DO33GS  -15      -22      220 MHzQ65  TR              3273
Number of QSO listed: 29

I tried a CW sked with K8MR in EN91 with no luck. I may have heard something but there was nowhere near enough to hope for a contact.  I was pleased to work Roger, W3SZ for his first foray on 222 Night .  He claims to have not followed my advice in my reminder note. I had mentioned that you should all dust off your rigs and put down your bongs and get on the air. Roger figures that keeping the bong in play will make for a much better evening all around. He claims that if he partakes enough, he can decode Q65 signals by ear. He is working on whistling the tones on transmit, but has not quite perfected it yet.  He has not completed a whistled contact yet.  Keep up the good work Roger and thanks for getting on!


Dave K1WHS

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