So, there I was in the middle of hooking up my new HF rigs (FTDX-101D pre
Dayton sale and I couldn't resist) when it happened. I had power hooked up to
both new rigs but couldn't go much further with the rig planned for HF thru 6
meters as I need a connector to hook up my antenna switching and SSPA. Yaesu
changed from the 8 pin DIN to a DB15 for the band data/amplifier control and I
don't have one to modify my homebrew interface units. The second rig which
will be HF-6 plus the 222 transverter has the same issue except I had
everything for the 222 stuff.
I had just connected the 222MHz receive IF when I heard this loud distorted CW
signal peaking S9+. You need to understand, we don't get aurora here in
southern Virginia very often. In fact, since moving here in 1996 I haven't
heard it at all. But, from my years of living in OH and PA I immediately
recognized the sound. Up until this point I had only used the power on button
and the tuning knob on the new rig. I was able to tune the signal in enough to
realize I was hearing K1WHS, LOUD! My first thought was I love this new SDR
rig, then it was, I need to work him! Where is the CW key connection? Crap,
I'm in SSB mode. How do I put it in CW, where is the button? The rigs not
going into transmit when I close the key. How do I adjust power out? Where
did I put the user manual? Several minutes later Dave was still calling CQ
and I was finally able to get RF to the antenna and put him in the log.
As I sit here Saturday morning, drinking my coffee, knowing 6 meters must have
been crazy, I wonder why it never occurred to me to turn on the 2 meter rig?
de K3SK
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