Hey! It is TUESDAY. Please make an effort to appear on 222 MHz if even
for a short while. The idea is to get on and make some RF noise and show
that the 222 MHz band is alive and well. Life can get hectic these
days, as Paul has recounted. There is nothing much worse than leaking
pipes and unscheduled running water inside your house.
I will be on 222 MHz starting just before 23:00 UT or 7 PM local time. I
monitor ON4KST Chat page (144/432 Region 2) Generally the local actvity
occirs between 2300 and 0100 UT and after that is a good time to try a
meteor scatter sked and see if you can make a real fantastic contact
beyond your normal limits. Last week, N1BUG worked K9MRI at 880 miles.
Having the longest QSO of the evening made him the recipient of the
fully equipped bass boat and trailer that is awarded to the person who
makes the longest contact. Now we all know it takes two to make a
contact, so the prize is shared by both winners. I think K9MRI got the
trailer and Bugsy N1BUG got the boat.
We had a lot of rain here, but not as much as in Vermont or western NH.
I am hoping the road up to my shack is OK.
I also got a comment from Terry at Directive Systems and he says that
222 yagis are just about flying off the shelves. Really, he did note
that sales activity with 222 is up a bit.
Dave K1WHS
On 7/18/2023 10:04 AM, Paul Wade W1GHZ wrote:
I may actually get on tonite, so please look this way
after several weeks of scheduling conflicts and house
guests, I was ready to get on last week. we had two
days of torrential rain (W1AIM rain gauge estimates
over 7 inches) and the basement ceiling had been
dripping on the gear. I noticed it after hearing a strange
beeping - every top a drop fell on a laptop keyboard.
I couldn't figure out where it was coming from - no
obvious leaks outside and water pipes dry to the touch.
by Tuesday evening rain and dripping stopped. then it
started again, and I heard the kitchen faucet running
overhead. digging under the sink found water running
down the pullout spray hose directly to the floor under
the cabinet, where it was leaking through somehow.
the faucet had sprung a leak.
three days of plumbing and two trips to Lowes and
Home Depot later, all is dry and Beth is happy with
new faucets (she decided the first one would be
better on another sink). as usual, the hard part was
getting the old one off.
look North (or on ON4KST)
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