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Re: [VHFcontesting] 222 activity night

To: wz1v@sbcglobal.net, newsvhf@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] 222 activity night
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 01:08:23 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Thanks for the report, Ron!

I was on until a bit after 0100 UT and worked the same folks Ron did, and that finally also included N2SLO and WA2LTM, both on SSB. N2JQR was also worked out in FN13.He was on SSB as was W9KXI.  I tried some long haul CW with K9MRI, but we only heard a few meteor pings, and no weak tropo signals. One of these days I am sure something will break loose.  Last year was not good here for tropo. It can only get better!
I was encouraged over the weekend as KE8FD heard me on 222 FT8 over a 
625 mile path. I did not decode him.  We did work last year on FT8 and 
CW, so it is only a matter of time before we do it again. I was aware 
that W1XR worked W8RU as well as K9MRI this evening. These are 
impressive contacts for 222 MHz. Well done and do not be afraid to try a 
sked that is out of your normal range. It just might work!!!
So we need KO4YC back on 222  from FM17 to help extend our working 
range. Ditto for the VE3s. They have been a bit quiet lately. It is 
always fun to work FN03 and EN92 from Maine.
I bench tested my new 222 transverter this evening. It works great and I 
can't wait to get it installed in the shack. The LO is spot-on and I can 
phase lock it if I care to. I did try the phase lock and it works just 
fine.  My existing older DEMI unit works great, but there is a 30-50 Hz 
variation with temp extremes. That is slight, but I did want to get the 
station into the 21st century, The new transverter will go along with 
the new 48 VDC FET driver amp and the 1500 watt solid state PA. The 
station is getting a facelift to go along with the new tower mounted 
cavity preamp.

Dave K1WHS

On 6/14/2022 9:07 PM, Ron Klimas WZ1V wrote:

Just 11 logged tonight but enjoyed every QSO:
W1XR FM19, K1WHS FN43, KE1LI FN41, N1SV FN42,
WA1T FN43, K1TR FN42, and WA2LTM FN20. TNX all.

73 Ron WZ1V

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