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Re: [VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 Activity Night K1DS

To: Alex <alex@kr1st.com>, nosigma@aol.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 Activity Night K1DS
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 10:03:52 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Hello Alex,

I spent some time on 222.100 as did a few others including WZ1V and VE3DS while running a sked or two. I tend to stay off it during high activity periods, but your idea is a good one if everybody quickly QSYs off the calling freq immediately.  With very weak signals, sometimes it is hard to convey a QSY frequency!  Most people try to find a frequency far away to avoid key clicks or splatter from a local station.  In my case, WA1T is 2.5 miles away on the other side of the lake in NH.  We have to separate to hear the weak ones. Generally 30 kHz is adequate.

As far as the Activity Evening went, I was surprised at some of the signals. We had a slug of rain with a weather front extending from SW to NE and situated right over the East coast, so I figured signals would be awful.  It was raining off and on at my house. Still, we had some good QSB peaks that allowed some nice contacts.  VA3ELE managed to move his 222 yagi off to his club station for the June Contest, so was not available now, but VE3DS in FN03 was on and we found each other quickly on CW. He was peaking up so well, that I called him on SSB after our CW contact and we had a nice rag chew on SSB!  Dana was peaking up quite loud in fact, on SSB!  I had multiple QSOs with K1PXE and K1DS on SSB. Actually, I almost had three QSOs with K1DS. I called him on FT-8 and was happily exchanging reports with tones centered at 1846 Hz.  Then N1SV came on calling CQ at about 1810 Hz or thereabouts and I never could hear K1DS again via the FT-8 mode.  Les's signal sounded quite clean and i was surprised that it made K1DS go away.  Maybe I am learning why I do not do so well on FT-8. So, later on I heard K1DS on SSB on 222.100 again, and we chatted as to why I could not complete with him on FT-8. You know, with CW or SSB, your ears tell you that there is a QRM problem. On FT-8, the computer is pretty dumb and does not tell you much of anything! So my score with SSB vs FT-8 and K1DS is 2-0  for SSB!

I ended the night with 16 stations worked and a few multiple QSOs to make 19 or 20 contacts.  WW2Y and N1SV were worked on both SSB/CW and FT-8.  The FN12 boys, KA2LIM and W9KXI were on making noise. They are always on for the Tuesday night fireworks!  Best contact of the evening was WA3EOQ in FM09jo on CW at over 500 miles. It was a squeaker as he was only audible on QSB peaks. I was calling CQ and Howard said he would look for me. I tweaked my antenna to about 242 degrees while CQing. When I listened after the 2nd CQ, I could tell that there was a signal there buried in the noise. I kept going and soon the signals peaked up to barely copyable and it was Howard. I sent my calls and grid but he faded for a few sequences. He started back up in strength and I barely heard him again with his grid etc.  He was only really copyable for about 45 seconds spread out over maybe 7 or 10 minutes! It was enough for a contact, however. I consider it remarkable as there was that weather front situated right along the axis of the path between our two locations! All the rain and atmospheric turbulence did not do much to help things!  I think the weather system killed any hopes of hearing KM4KMU in FM16.  I made noise in that direction and did a lot of listening, but no copy this time. Thanks for trying John.

More later....I am off for some fishing!

Dave K1WHS

ps. The Version 3.0 power supply worked just fine. at one point, I smelled something that was hot. I think it was assorted dust and crud burning off the power resistors in my bleeder chain. 2 X 40K 200 watt wirewound power resistors had not seen any heat in a few decades, so it took a few minutes to boil off the dust and dirt! Does anyone need a 6000 volt rated 183 MFD filter cap bank? I have one available. I think it would power an electric car for 20 or 30 miles!

On 6/23/2021 8:52 AM, Alex wrote:
I didn't hear a peep either on 222.100.

I was busy working so could not call CQ, but was monitoring .100 in case I 
heard someone and could do a quick exchange. I did see CW on .125 but by the 
time I got there the signal was gone.

Then it occurred to me that since this is not a contest but an event to generate 
activity, why not use .100 for skeds arranged online? If the frequency is not busy, use 
it, and perhaps you may pick up a lurker. If it's busy, well, you can arrange for a 
different frequency online, or simply agree to always check "up 5" as well.

It's of little use to have a calling frequency that doesn't get utilized.

At least with FT8, you know where people will show up, which is a huge plus. 
That's probably what I should have monitored.

--Alex KR1ST

On Jun 22, 2021, 9:31 PM, at 9:31 PM, nosigma--- via VHFcontesting 
<vhfcontesting@contesting.com> wrote:
  Nothing heard on any bearing, ssb or CW here.  Called SSB and on CW
every 30 deg around the compass twice with special effort to the N & NE
and bearing to K1WHS.
Anyone hear me on SSB or CW?
Always fun to try.  Maybe next tuesday.  Sea level is not as much fun
as mountain  topping Hi Hi.
73JohnKM4KMU 73

Sent from the all new AOL app for Android

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 21:22, Rick R<rick1ds@hotmail.com> wrote:   It
was like the good old times for me tonight. I have a rental apartment
for the summer in Blue Bell, PA, FN30ie outside of Philly, near where I
used to own a home before I moved to Florida. I have my IC735 and a 3
element WA5VJB antenna that I stick out the window here facing north. I
popped in on K1WHS just after 7PM and we had a brief SSB chat. I also
worked WW2Y on CW, K1PXE on CW, WZ1V on SSB and WA2VNV on FT8. I had a
partial with K1WHS on FT8 also, and I copied N1SV on FT8, but I wasn't
prepared to send when I copied his sigs. I listened for some of the
FN12 stations but nothing heard. Hope I can make it again on other Tues
eves. I'll be up in RI this weekend and visiting the W1OP Providence
Radio Association gang to operate Field Day. 73, Rick K1DS
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