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[VHFcontesting] 222 antenna repairs

To: "(Radio) VHF Contesting" <VHFcontesting@contesting.com>, news <newsvhf@mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 antenna repairs
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 16:45:30 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
I have been working on repairing my broken 222 MHz antenna system. The antenna was a quad yagi stack of 22 element long 222 yagis.  It was a really  great antenna tht produced great echoes on the horizon, but winter storms managed to snap one of the top yagis in half. In addition, the winds have ripped apart my PST-61 Prosistel rotator. The motor bolts were sheared off and now the motor is flopping around loose!
There are many stations actively looked to wiork all states ion 222 MHz 
and many people asked me to get back on again with something decent for 
meteors or EME.
This is a summary of work done to date.  The main feedline is now OK 
with a reasonable VSWR. It is about 170 ft of 1 5/8" heliax. I tested 
the flex section around the rotator and it is OK. I cleaned it up  and 
am ready to re install it and test the full array.  The rotator has been 
removed and is on the bench in the shop. Not sure of the prognosis 
there. There is serious damage from high winds.
Today, we worked on removing the back half of the 30 ft long 22 element 
yagi still in place up the H frame. We got it down and retired to the 
house  where we replaced the snapped mid section. It is now a double 
walled 1 1/2' six ft section in the middle, with a repaired brace 
consisting of 3/4' X 1/8" wall square aluminum. The brace adds  a lot of 
weight to the individual antennas, ( about 7 lbs) but is needed for such 
a harsh environment. We get several ice storms every winter.  Strong 
brfacing is needed for 30 ft yagis. The top antenna that broke had a 
brace under the boom for support.   The antenna has been broken for over 
two years, so it sure feels good to get it all back together.  I am now 
working in the shack, cleaning up damage from red squirrels and mice. 
They crap all over everything and eat holes in the walls!
While WA1T and I were on the tower, K1RX snapped a picture during the 
repair work party. The tower is a 100 ft Rohn 45. A picture is attached.
Hopefully, I can get the rotator repaired and get the station runninmg 
soon. I am excited!

Dave K1WHS

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