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[VHFcontesting] wsjtx for June VHF?

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] wsjtx for June VHF?
From: Drew Arnett <kb9fko@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2019 19:17:28 +0000
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>

Preparing for the June VHF test.  Figure MSK144 would be interesting
to use during the slow hours.  (And MS has been on my to try list for
too long.)  I suppose I might use FT? if nobody wants to use SSB or CW
any more.  (That is, if my rate and/or score will suffer from not
using it.)

What version of wsjtx is the go to version for this June?  (Yeah, saw
the noise about FT4 in the RC with expiration date.  etc.)  Anything
newer than what's published on the website now likely to be released
before the contest?  On the website right now, the candidates are:

  general availability (I'll translate this as stable):  2.0.1

  candidate release (beta testing):  2.1.0-rc5

Sounds like the RC flavor is encouraged if you want to test new stuff,
but discouraged for normal use.  Does the June VHF test count as
normal use?  I'd hope to roll with "stable" gear and SW myself.
However, if the RC is stable enough for the modes I'd be using, any
reason not to use it for the event?

Maybe install both of these and everything released between now and
then and stay tuned for answers?

Thanks and best regards,


ps.  Haven't finalized plans with friends, yet, but we'll be portable
someplace around SoCal.
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