Last things first
2M Sprint: I operated the first 2 hours of the sprint. made 13 QSO's in 7
grids. best DX was N3NGE at close to 500 miles. This was right at the beginning
of the contest and Bill was S4-5 on SSB with QSB. Severe QSB was evident all
night but from my vantage point condx got worse as the night wore on. Didn't
work my own grid also didn't work adjoining grids FN44, FN53.. sigh.. BUT I had
fun, all "old school" SSB and CW no digital
September VHF test: Worked first 4 hours of contest. 38 Q's 25 multipliers (4
on 6, 12 on 2, 5 on 222, 4 on 432) Condx pretty flat but had fun.. also "old
school" (no digital). Best DX probably K2LIM in FN12 who was in pretty much all
the time on 2M.
all in all a fun September on the radio..
bill, K1DY
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