I plan to be active in the September contest on 50-3456 MHz. I have 5G and 10G
available over known good paths, but I generally will not be setting up for
these bands. Paths identified for each location are those with good chances of
contacts above 432. "Assistance" in a single person rover tends to become
overwhelming, but I will try my best to keep my cell phone within sight and
login to ON4KST when Calling CQ and S&P is no longer productive.
1800-2000 FN12hq (paths North, East, South-East)
2130-2230 FN13gb (S) (paths South, South-West)
2300-0200 FN13gb (N) (paths North, North-West)
1245-1345 FN02wv (paths North-East, East, South)
1415-1630 FN02vu (paths West, North, North-East)
1900-2130 FN03wa (paths North-East, East, South-East)
Sunday evening left flexible, but I will not be going to any new 4-digit grids.
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