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Re: [VHFcontesting] Attenuation from polarity mismatch (Re: C6AFP Six Me

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Attenuation from polarity mismatch (Re: C6AFP Six Meter Beacon
From: Marshall-K5QE <k5qe@k5qe.com>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2017 21:31:58 -0600
List-post: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com">mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
You cannot fix STUPID.....

When we had a lot of rovers out running around, we often used verticals for 6M. The mag mount 5/8th wave 2M antennas work perfectly well on 6M, so we had a 3el beam up at 110ft that was vertically polarized. What we found was than for rovers in under about 100 miles, the vertical was better. After that, the 7el at 100ft was the best. The closer they got the better the little vertical beam performed.
73 Marshall K5QE

On 2/6/2017 9:21 PM, Buddy Morgan via VHFcontesting wrote:
  A few years ago, I heard this person, on 144.200. He sounded like a FM 
repeater type. Like the guy Mike worked, he was about 25 miles. He was running 
about 50 watts. I was running 100 watts, on my Omni eFactor horizontal loop. He 
was having trouble hearing me. So, I put my yagi on him and turned on my legal 
limit amp. He now could hear well enough to understand what I was saying. He 
was disappointed in SSB. FM worked a lot better. Seems that he was using a 
Japanese vertical, that had a 4:1 SWR, on 144.200. I told him that a horizontal 
antenna, that was resonant, at the low end of the band would make a huge 
difference. He didn't think it would make any difference. Further into the 
conversation, I found that he did not have the preamp, on his radio, turned on. 
He said that wouldn't make any difference, either. I told him, I had to go.

Buddy WB4OMG
EL 98

Here's a non-scientific antidote to all this.  A local ham ~25 miles
away tried to tell me there was no way we could work each other on SSB
since his antenna was horizontal and all I had at the time was a GP-9
vertical.  I said ... try ... it was not a problem.   I even had him
turn his yagi the other direction ... he could still hear me.  not as
well of course but could hear me.  I think that he must have scratched
his head for a month over this.

he too had fallen prey to tales from the spin doctor crypt.

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