Saturday I will be doing a gentle 4 grid rover around the
nearby EM 12/13/23/22 Grid Corner.
I took the antenna rack from my old rover (Mazda B4000)
thats been laying around for over 10 or 15 years and with slight modifications
installed in ito the from of the bed of my
aging 1990 Ford Ranger. It will hold 2 masts of antennasgoing down the road,
with the yagi's on the Drivers side &the loop on the passenger side with a coax
switch on 2M
to switch between them.
6M - 100W and KQ loop at 12'
2M - 50W and KQ Loop at 10' or a 4 ele yagi at 12'
432 - 35W and 8 ele yagi at 10' This isn't my first rodeo, just the first time
back as a ROVER"during a contest" in quite a few years.
I'll start the event in EM13, then on to EM23, EM22, and endingup back in my
home grid in EM12. Having never been to thesegrids before I'll just do it old
school and improvise on the way,trusting my gut as to where to stop or not.
See you on the air!
73s de Tim - K7XC - EM12ur... sk
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler…Albert Einstein
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