I love the idea of 10 Meters being added to an ARRL VHF Contest. I’ve always
thought that 10 Meters behaved more like a VHF band, than an HF band (at least
for eight of eleven years). Including 10 Meters might also “ease the entry”
into the high bands.
As for satellite operators, most of those I know were fascinated by the Space
Race as boys, teenagers, or young adults. Their primary interest is in the fact
that they’re working through an object in space. I grew up playing with Major
Matt Mason, and following each launch as a child---so I can understand the
excitement. I’ve only worked a handful of satellite contacts, but I keep
promising myself that “someday” I’m going to get serious about it.
Les Rayburn, N1LF
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114
6M VUCC #1712
Grid Bandit #222
Life Member Central States VHF Society
VHFcontesting mailing list