If anyone is looking for a HF/6m/2m/70cm all mode I have for sale a Yaesu
FT100D in good condition. This is the model that does 100 watts on HF and 6m,
50 watts on 2m, and 20 watts on 70cm. It also has the 500hz CW filter and TCXO
as standard. It comes with a power cord converted to power poles, and a hand
mic-which is not the stock hand mic but works ok. It would make a great roving
radio for VHF contesting since it covers the 3 main VHF/UHF contest bands, and
would also make a great base radio for HF/VHF/UHF work. It is also a nice HF
mobile rig.
I am asking $545 shipped for it and can take paypal/check/MO.
73s John AA5JG
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