I have updated the lists for 2 meter, 48 states terrestrial activity. While
the focus is on the Midwest area where achieving 48 states terrestrial is
possible, I also have lists for the NE, SE, and Western regions. The summary
file containing the lists of ops who are close to 48 states via terrestrial
means is available at:
If anyone is at 40 states + in the midwest, or 30+ from either coast, please
send me a note, and I will include you in the next update. We are now up to 14
people known to have worked 48 states terrestrially, but there are dozens more
on the lists that are close.
I also want to thank the Society of Midwest Contesters, Central States VHF
Society, ARRL and W3ZZ, and CQ VHF and N6CL for publishing articles on this
subject. With each article, more material, lists, maps, and historical
references have been added to this interesting topic.
I also have a short biblio contained in the above link, if anyone has an
interest in reading about the exploits of the VHF pioneers in this area. I
would be especially interested in receiving any info from people with first
hand knowledge of the early efforts at achieving 48 states on 2 meters, as vast
distances were worked by many people having modest equipment.
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