To Eric, the VHFcontesting info page at say the
reflector is for 50 MHz and up, so I would say that includes UHF. The
"About VHFcontesting" scope that is found there makes for good reading &
overall guidance.
To George, as you may know contesting on 5.7 GHz is of course allowed
during the big three, ARRL January, June, and September "VHF" contests, as
well as the ARRL August UHF contest. In addition the SBMS sponsors a
really fun 2.3 GHz And Up contest in the spring which is just like the ARRL
10 GHz contest (distance scoring), but for 2.3 GHz and up so 5.7 GHz is
included. So that's five contests where you can blow some smoke on 5.7.
>From time to time you hear some discussion about whether 5.7 should/could
be added to the ARRL's 10 GHz & Up contest, but to the best of my knowledge
there is no active discussion on this subject at this time.
73, Jon
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