One other potential change might work.
Unless a station is an Unlimited Rover, no more than 10 percent of a roving
station’s rover to rover contacts will have their QSO points counted. All
rover to rover contacts will be logged and each station will choose which QSOS
will count for QSO points if the rover to rover total is over 10 percent of the
total number of QSOs. Multipliers will still be counted.
Example a few years back I had a contest where I had 600 QSOs. I worked 70
rover to rover contacts. So I would have to choose 10 QSOs to log but apply no
QSO points.\
Programs could be adjusted to automatically pick the most valuable QSOs.
Logs wouldn’t have to be edited and cause, “Not in Log”s at the ARRL
headquarters robot.
Multipliers from another rover in a rare grid square would not be lost.
Random rover to rover meetings in Timbuktu, would still have good value.
The more people you contact, the more your rover to rover contacts are valued.
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