Les Rayburn wrote:
> At the risk of enduring public ridicule, I'm going to confess to being
> completely ignorant of
the ways of amplifiers. In my ham radio career of nearly 40 years,
I've never once ran an
amplifier of any kind until now. But I recently purchased a TE
Systems 1412G to give me more
punch on 2 Meters for weak signal and WSJT work. I will be using this
amp with an Icom IC-910H.
Many have pointed out the dangers of keying the amp via RF switching,
and suggested that I key
the amp directly using the PTT line of the radio.
> Most HF radios that I own have jacks on the rear (ALC) that are dedicated to
> this purpose. The
IC-910H lacks this, and I assume that I'll need to use the ACC jack?
But frankly, after reading
the manual, and re-reading it, I'm stumped.
> Can someone who has used this specific rig with outboard amps please provide
> information on how
to best accomplish this? As always, I'm indebted to the members of
these groups who have really
helped get me started in V/U. All replies are read, printed out, and
placed into folders that I
refer to often. The advice has literally been invaluable. I'm very
> 73,
> Les Rayburn, N1LF
Hi Lee
I've interfaced several ICOM radios to external amplifiers. Even when
the radio has a amp key jack it's usually to wimpy to handle anything
but an ICOM amp.
Here is what I've done with other ICOM radios. See this link from my
friend K6XX: http://www.k6xx.com/radio/ic706amp.html
Per the IC-910H manual "send" is on pin 3, however +13 in on pin 7 of
the ACC socket. You can also pick up +13 anywhere that has a common
ground with the IC-910H. The manual isn't clear that "send" in the 910
works the same as other ICOM radios but it's highly likely. I'd
recommend measuring pin 3 to ground before warming up the soldering
iron. Should be +8 or so in receive, .2 or less on transmit.
Tom K6EU
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