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[VHFcontesting] January 08 rover schedule for K4GUN

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com (VHF contesting list)
Subject: [VHFcontesting] January 08 rover schedule for K4GUN
From: k4gun@comcast.net
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 18:02:01 +0000
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
With the contest a little over a week away, I figure its about time to post my 
official operating schedule.  I'll be entering under the new Limited Rover 
class and I'm hoping an aggressive driving schedule will put me in a 
competitive position.  I have the ability to operate while on the move with 
omni directional antennas and while parked, I have GPS and will rotate the 
antennas by moving the truck.  

I should be easy enough to find, but if you have a specific sked you'd like to 
set up, send me an e-mail.  

The only thing that could change this is really bad weather.  If that happens, 
I'll post an updated route, but it will follow roughly the same path but may 
leave out upper elevations and less time will be spent parked.


100 watts into a halo while moving and a par Stressed Moxon while parked on 6 
100 watts into stacked square loops while moving and an Elk Log Periodic when 
parked on 2 meters
35 watts into stacked loops while moving and Elk Log Periodic when parked on 432
1.5 watts into an HT for 222 FM (yes, its an afterthought and a long shot)

I'll be doing some search and pounce and some calling CQ.  My calling 
frequencies will be as close to the following as QRM will allow.



I'm starting at Hogback Mountain on Skyline Drive.  I'll then drive to VA Beach 
by way of Charlottesville.  Saturday night will be spent on the beach in FM26.  
Sunday will be in 3 grids on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel until late 
afternoon.  I'll then drive North through the Delmarva and catch a rest stop on 
Rte 301 in FM29 and then circle back home to Woodbridge.  I'll open 10 grids on 
this route.

Schedule (all times Eastern):

Saturday 2:00 PM at Hogback Mountain FM08us.  I'll stay as long as I'm getting 
new QSOs.
Saturday 5:00 PM drive to Charlottesville and then to Virginia Beach.  The 
total drive time could be anywhere from 3.5 to 5 hours, depending on weather 
and bathroom stops.  If I'm ahead of schedule, I'll stop in FM07 near Louisa, 
otherwise, I'll just catch a couple of Qs on the move to activate it.
Saturday 10:00 PM will be at the Rudee Inlett at Virginia Beach FM26at.  This 
parking lot has a good view up the coast but I'll also be pointing back toward 
NOVA and hoping for a little luck.  The parking lot closes at midnight.
Sunday 10:00 AM will be at the first island on the CBBT FM16ww
Sunday 12:00 PM will be at the third island on the CBBT FM17xa
Sunday 2:00 PM will be at the scenic overlook on the CBBT FM27ac.  Because this 
is a rare one, I'll stay as long as I'm getting Qs but will leave at 5:00 
Sunday 5:00 to 7:30 PM will be mobile operating from FM27 up into the Delmarva 
where I will catch portions of FM28 FM18 FM19 and will travel one mile into 
7:30 or 8:00 Sunday will be at a rest area on Route 301 at FM29ab  This could 
be a brief stop or an extended one depending on activity.
Late evening Sunday, I'll drive toward NOVA to finish up near my QTH in 
Woodbridge FM18iq where I'll be on the air until the contest ends at 11:00 PM 


2:00-5:00 FM08us
5:00-10:00 en route through FM08, FM07, FM17, FM16 and FM26
10:00-midnight FM26at

10:00-11:50 FM16ww
12:00-1:50 FM17xa
2:00-5:00 FM27ac
5:00-8:00 en route through FM27, FM28, FM18, FM19 FM29
8:00-8:30 (est) FM29ab
8:30-10:00 en route through FM19, FM18
10:00-11:00 FM18iq

73 de K4GUN
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