My Grid Qs Ms
EN51 17 7
EN52 19 8
EN61 14 7
EN62 22 12
Total 72 34 = 2448
It was about 90% of the stations I worked that gave their six-character Grid
Square. Best DX was to EM48rj, EN34qb, EN71qf and EN82bq (all of those from
EN62ad). Worked the "local 4" from all 4 that I visited; other grids worked
were EN41, EN50, EN53, EN60, EN63. Even made a few QSOs while mobile,
actually had contacts from EN52xa, EN52xb, EN52xc and EN52xd. In EN62, I
actually made contacts from EN62aa, EN62ac and EN62ad. EN61 was ONLY EN61ax
and EN51 was ONLY EN51xx.
Thanks to ALL who participated.
73, JK
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