Greetings Derrick and all,
Up to the present, there has never been any legal communication on 4 meters
here in Canada. The only recorded activity on 4 was a VE2AUI or VE2AIU who
worked cross-band to EU, transmitting on 6. As you are aware, 4 meters or 70
mhz is a television channel in NA, so signals of any power will create TVI in
some places. The qrp airplane radio control units would not likely interfere so
are permitted I find out.
Anybody bootlegging on 4 meters would not likely get caught, provided they only
responded to a dx cq with the necessary exchange and stopped. However, if that
communication gets posted to TCA or QST and Industry Canada or the FCC hears
about it, a warning letter would be issued on the first offence I would think.
I note the 2 by 1 call you have. You are paying your dues to IC for that
privilege, but I hope that privilege gets a time extension, as it is ridiculous
to drive a long distance for a dxpedition and only be permitted to use that
call for a specific contest and not for a ham vacation period too while there,
or longer.
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