Marty, W3YOZ, was the operator this time in the 2m Spring Sprint. He
reports there was blizzard conditions. At 11PM, when he went to drive off
the mountain there was 3 inches of snow on the car. The wind was blowing so
hard that the snow was coming sideways. It was January weather.
His best DX (from FN00sn) were: FM14, FN73, and FN43. He worked a bunch of
VE3 in FN03 and had good conditions to the west. About 15% of the QSOs were
answering CW CQs. He CQed on SSB and had to have several responding to him
switch to CW. He worked two rovers.
The results were 64 QSOs and 28 grids.
W3SO will be on for the 222 MHz Spring Sprints next Wed.
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