Tree wrote:
There are two schools of thought here. It sort of gets down to putting the
emphasis on VHF or CONTEST. In most contests, you can decide if your entry
will be a single-op entry (where the operator receives no human assistance
with spotting or logging), or an assisted entry (where the operator does
receive this type of assistance). Using packet spotting (or other devices
that assist in spotting which have a human element) puts you in the
assisted category.
Just a point of clarification... "packet spotting" is no different than "voice
spotting". It is not the "packet" aspect that changes your category, it is
assistance from a 3rd party that does. Spotting can be accomplished by a
voice-based radio operator telling another operator that "a rare grid is
available on 50.106 right now".
Spotting: Notification schemes that involve assistance from entities other than
the two who are or would-be in RF-based Amateur communication
This goes for assistance from even "non-human" entities, such as digipeaters or
relays of any type (repeaters or voice-nets).
Ev, W2EV
VHFcontesting mailing list