Phil Lefever wrote:
> Very true, but addressing the antenna system would be difficult at best for
> the contest division. Output power is easy and clear cut.
The solution can be trivial to implement...try this on for size:
A categorizing system based upon an ERP-factor as follows:
o Antenna: number of elements
o RF Output: PEP output
Multiply (number of elements in your antenna) X (RF Output, PEP)=ERP factor
Antenna elements x RF output ERP-factor
--------------------------------- -------
Halo & 160-watt amp = 160
4-element beam & 25 watts = 100
9-element beam & 160-watts = 1,440
4-halo's & 300-watt amp = 1,200
13-element beam & 160-watt amp = 2,080
2x13 element beam & 160-watt amp = 4,160
18-element beam & 300-watt amp = 5,400
4x9 element beams & 600-watt amp = 21,600
The only question to ask is this: what is the ERP-factor value on which one
would "pivot" between a station being considered "Limited" vs. "Unlimited"?
Should the "pivot point" be different for Fixed and Rover stations? (probably)
For 2-meters, consider 4,300 for fixed-location (not Rovers) stations maybe?
(I'm just picking a number out of the air...a study should be undertaken before
a number is settled upon)
Here are some interesting results of applying this system:
(4x Halo) x (1,200 watts) = 4,800 = Unlimited (High ERP) Category
(4x Halo) x (300 watts) = 1,200 = Limited (Low ERP) Category
(4x M^2 9-element yagi) x (160 watts) = 5,760 = Unlimited Category
(4x M^2 9-element yagi) x (100 watts) = 3,600 = Limited Category
(17b2) x (300-watt Mirage) = 5,100 = Unlimited Category
(17b2) x (160-watt Mirage) = 2,720 = Limited Category
For 2-meters, consider 1,100 for Rovers? (again, picking a number out of the
air...a real study should be conducted)...
(Halo) x 25 watts = 25 = Limited (Low ERP) Category
(Halo x2) x 160 watts = 320 = " " " "
(Halo x2) x 300 watts = 600 = " " " "
(4-element yagi) x 160 watts = 640 = " " " "
(9-element yagi) x 160 watts = 1,440 = Unlimited (High ERP) Category
(13 element yagi) x 160 watts = 2,080 = " " " "
(9-element yagi) x 300 watts = 2,700 = " " " "
(13-element yagi) x 300 watts = 3,900 = " " " "
Of course, this proposal is simply "Brain candy" to get us all excited about the
January VHF SS. :))
Ev, W2EV
PropNET: If the band is open and no one is TXing, does anyone hear it?
HamIM : Messaging the all-ham way, find Rovers as they go to play.
That HamIM, that HamIM -- I'm sure you'll like that HamIM.
Ask me about either. I'll send a URL and you can join the fun, too!
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