Greetings all,
This contest was a test of stamina as prop was simply not there Saturday at my
end and Sunday was not much better till the evening. I had problems erecting
the Cushcraft 30 foot boom 2 meter beam at FN14 and loss of strength made me
abort another try so I packed it back in the van. Got it up in FN04 in a
rainstorm and good results too. Worked KO4YC in Maryland running 10 watts ssb
at my end then later hooked up the Mirage amp for 120 watts.
I will be improving my rover setup for the future to avoid manual beam rotation
and cover more bands too.
My final score is 87 Q's 88 points and 51 multis for a total of 4488.
I look forward to seeing how others did this time around.
73 de
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