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[VHFcontesting] how to improve FD score

To: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] how to improve FD score
From: w9sz@prairienet.org (Zack Widup)
Date: Fri Jul 4 12:01:03 2003
Yes, it's kind of a sad state of affairs but on FD you get a lot of ops,
not just contesters.  It seems the VHF+ contesters generally are more
willing to work CW.

This FD our club station (K9CU) was in 4A category and I was the only CW
op there!  We had no VHF SSB/CW setup.  We did have an AO-40 setup and I
tried working some CW on it but without a sidetone on the rig or keyer it
got difficult.

As an anecdote, I worked Mike KH6ND on 20 CW and sat back to listen for a
bit.  Mike generally goes at 40+ wpm.  People were copying his call as
K5BND and one asked what state PAC was.  It was good for a chuckle.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, 4 Jul 2003, Mark wrote:

> I couldn't agree more!!!!
> I ran the VHF/UHF station for several hours during field day. After every 
> Q, I asked for other bands and for CW Q's.
> Out of 150 q's on 6/2/432, I was able to manage 8 CW contacts as none of 
> the stations had CW capabilities.  Often times, when I asked for CW, the 
> ops didn't respond or just ignored me and went back to CQ'ing.
> Historically, the VHF station is where the groups hide their weaker ops or 
> the non licensed visitors. I understand not everyone knows or uses CW, but 
> why have a great field day setup including VHF/UHF and no paddles at the 
> station?  Furthermore, I was not trying to move FM people, these were 
> groups who set up beams and were all mode (except CW)!
> I was very surprised!!!
> Mark
> N9UM

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