My short term priorities have been changed making the following Items
available to purchase...
1) Very Clean Icom IC-746. Covers 160M - 2M, 100 Watts all bands, built in
IF-DSP, Built in contest keyer, Built in Antenna tuner active on HF and 6M,
Excellent reciver, 100% duty cycle on RTTY, recieves 30 Khz to 200 Mhz with
no gaps. A truly fabulous radio. Hate to see it go but need the cash.
$950.00 + UPS
2) Lunar Link PA10-120 120W 6M Brick Amplifier with built in Rcv Preamp. 10
watts gets 120+ watts out. Works great! Since all my radios are 100W out on
6M I no longer need it. $145.00 + UPS
73s from DM09ol de Tim - K7XC/R - DM09ol... sk
"What We Do In Life, Echos In Eternity" - General Maximus