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[TowerTalk] Rotator clamp help

Subject: [TowerTalk] Rotator clamp help
From: Anthony DeBiasi <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 15:44:57 -0400
List-post: <>
I am presently using an older M2 Orion rotator.  After 22+ years it has failed 
and needs replacing.  When I moved to Florida 3 years ago, instead of using the 
supplied stock mast clamps I purchased a K7NV mast clamp which some of you may 
be using.  The K7NV mast clamp definitely prevents slippage although in 18 
years at my last QTH which was fairly windy the stock mast clamps only slipped 
once during a hurricane which was easy to correct with the Green Heron RT-21 
controller and snugging up the clamp bolts. I should mention the rotator is on 
a 86’ Tashjian tower that nests to 23’ and is fairly easy to access. 

I am trying to decide if it would be better to replace the K7NV mast clamp with 
the stock M2 mast clamps that are more likely to slip.  Why would I considering 
the change, to possibly put less stress on the M2 rotator.  On the tower from 
the bottom up there is a JK-Mid Tri/40, a 5el M2 6m yagi and on top is a WARC 
JK1217.  Although I live in Florida, I am located about 15 miles inland and 35 
miles north of Tampa. We do get a lot of Thunderstorms in the summer but the 
wind has been far less than I experienced in Northern NJ and Southern NJ.  

Would appreciate the advice of anyone who has experience with either the stock 
M2 clamps or the N7NV clamp. I know you can put a pin through the clamps and 
mast but I wouldn’t suggest that.

73, Tony K2SG

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