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[TowerTalk] PL-259 recycling

To: towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] PL-259 recycling
From: Rob Atkinson <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 05:34:46 -0500
List-post: <>
>Actually started that method when I was 15 years old. Novice license. Of course
>no money. Parents gave me $0.00 towards ham radio,

Same here.  All my money for ham radio came from a paper route and
doing things like returning bottles.  Parents gave no money for radio,
but they did take me to hamfests if I couldn't get to them on public

>As someone else said about all this, WHY?  Even at the worst, most
>expensive, they are $11.50.  The minimum wage is $7.25, so what, 90 minutes
>of work.  I net you spend more in time and electricity to recycle the

Because for some of us, time is more abundant than money.



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