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[TowerTalk] Changing out an M2 OR2800

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Changing out an M2 OR2800
From: "Lou Laderman" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 14:19:46 -0500
List-post: <>
I cross-posted this on the  CrankupTiltoverTowers  group.


I need to replace my OR2800. It's in a UST HDX555 with a raising fixture,
and I have a spare 2800 ready to go. I have a few questions so I can plan my

I plan on laying the tower over and replacing the rotor while the tower is
in the horizontal position, My antenna is on a TiltPlate and I am hoping I
won't have to take the antenna off to move the mast to gain access to the
rotor. I've replaced it once and cannot recall if I can simply remove the
bolts from the drive plate and bottom of the mast clamp and slide the motor
from the tower. If so, I can simply replace the rotor without loosening the
mast clamp and moving the mast away from the rotor.

Will the outer 2 tower sections interfere with getting the rotor out of the
top section requiring me to extend the tower until the rotor clears the
middle section? I am unsure if the bracing of the middle and bottom section
of the tower will interfere with rotor access and prevent that.

Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated.

73, Lou W0FK




Lou Laderman

St. Louis, MO

Cell: (314) 308-4363






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