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Re: [TowerTalk] Why does KT34XA/KT36XA stink on 15 ?

To: Steve London <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Why does KT34XA/KT36XA stink on 15 ?
From: Dave Thompson <>
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2022 14:21:30 +0000
List-post: <>
I bought a KT34X from W3TMZ in 1981 and through 2 upgrades made it a KT34XA.  I 
got tired of the amount of upkeep required and sold mine plus a KT36XA  upgrade 
kit to NQ4I.  My antenna wound up at W4DD who uses it on 10.  Mine was always 
down on 15 and K6MYC said he fixed the problem on 15 with the 36XA model.  
Can't say as I downsized to a Tennedyne T-10 log.  ASk K6MYC why it still is 
down on 15.
73 Dave K4JRB 
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve London 
Sent: Jun 2, 2022 4:15 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Why does KT34XA/KT36XA stink on 15 ?
I know I'm not the first one to observe this...
I have a KT36XA on one tower, and reference monobanders for 10, 15 and 20
on other towers. On 10 and 20, the XA always performs within a few dB of
the monobanders (sometimes, even better than the monobanders). On 15, the
XA is always down about 6 dB from the monobander. This is consistent
regardless of distance, direction, skip length, etc. Even the "band noise"
is down by this amount. The SWR on all 3 bands is reasonable. Long ago, I
also measured the resonant frequency of each element. See . There is a 40 meter beam about 30
feet above it, but the 15 meter SWR does not change when either the XA or
40 is rotated, so I don't think there is significant interaction.
What did KLM/M2 do wrong on 15 ?
Before you tell me your KT36XA works great on 15, what are you comparing it
with ?
Steve, N2IC
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