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[TowerTalk] NANO VNA

To: towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] NANO VNA
From: Wilson Lamb via TowerTalk <>
Reply-to: Wilson Lamb <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 13:12:59 -0500 (EST)
List-post: <>
The 50-100 dollar Nanos are incredible, BUT you may not get a good one and your 
dealer might not be for real. 
I got two bad ones, the $120 ones, from Nooelec.  They exchanged the first one 
quickly and then disapeared.  I mailed the unit back but never heard from them 
and they stopped answering email. 
Then I got the SDR Kiit one and am very impressed. 
The unit seems robust and the computer screen is much more fun to look at. 
And the support group is incredible. 
Yes, many people are doing fine with the NANO and its portability is fantastic, 
like for up the tower. 
But I'd stick with SDR, if you don't mind the price.  It's far easier to use 
and there's quality help available. 

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