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[TowerTalk] Fwd: How critical is the 120 degree ...

To: "" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Fwd: How critical is the 120 degree ...
From: Hans Hammarquist via TowerTalk <>
Reply-to: Hans Hammarquist <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 02:21:41 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
 I did a lot of calculations before I erected my 85' aluminum tower. I was not 
able to get the "required" 120 deg between the guy wires and I instead opted 
for using 4 guy wires instead.  That gave me a lot more flexibility were to put 
the anchors. During my calculations I decided to see what was the optimum 
distance between the tower and the anchors were. I believe my calculations 
showed that the anchors should be placed about 130% from the tower. If the 
attachment is 23 meter up, the anchors should be ~30 meter from the tower. That 
will give you the least flexing of the tower.
I, myself, strongly recommend the 4 guy wire solution. If you go to my Facebook 
page you can see all the photos of my tower. The album is called "Tower, tower. 
I have used 4 wires on all (3) installations and I am happy with the results. I 
haven't lost any tower yet, knock on wood. The single set of guy wires are 
fasten at 75' up the tower. That is the point that gives minimum bending force 
on the tower in my case.

BTW The maximum load on the three guy wires installation is when the wind is 
blowing ~15 degrees from the symmetry line, and blowing towards the slacking 
wire. You would think the maximum load is when the wind is blowing directly on 
the symmetry line, but that is not the case.
Good luck with your towers and 73 de N2JFS
-----Original Message-----
From: Jari Jussila <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 27, 2021 3:47 am
Subject: [TowerTalk] How critical is the 120 degree ...

Hi ...

I'm sure these topics have been discussed earlier, but could not find 
any thread ..... Sri ...

We are at our club erecting two towers. A rotating steel tower being 31 
m high and a aluminium telescope mast 18+18 m = 32 meters.

A) How critical is the rule that guy wires should be "exactly" 120 
degrees apart?
A professional guide says, that the anchor point can be 50 mm from that 
120 degree (119,9-120,1 degree) but some say, that a maximum of two 
degrees is OK. That meaning 118-122 degree.

What's the tower community advise?

B) The steel tower height is 31 m - it's a rotating tower - but the 
upper bearing is at 23 m ( leaving 8 meters for the antennas) and the 
lower bearing at 11 meters.

Whats the advise of anchor point distance? Some say, that the 60 % 
(distance for  the tower) should be calculating from the total height 
(31 x 0,6 = 18,6 meters).
Some say, it should be calculating from  the upper bearing (23 m x 0,6 = 
12.8 m)

Whats your opinion?

Jari, OH2BU
For OH3AC Club Station

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