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Re: [TowerTalk] Joining two perpendicular wires

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Joining two perpendicular wires
From: "Lux, Jim" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 19:57:22 -0700
List-post: <>
On 7/12/21 6:52 PM, David Gilbert wrote:
I don't understand these suggestions.   Steve asked about 
perpendicular connections, not inline, and using split bolts means 
that one or both of the soft copper wires is going to be under 
buffeting tension while making a bend around a sharp edge.  That seems 
like a recipe for a failure.
As a practical matter, with a split bolt, there's not much bend with two 
wires at 90 degrees.

The rope and tail connection idea proposed by others makes far more 
sense to me.  Run a rope from the tower to an egg insulator near the 
ring.  Loop the radial wire through the egg insulator with enough of a 
tail to solder to the ring.  The ring wire can (and probably should) 
run through one of the holes in the egg insulator as well.
And by the way, silver solder ... like plumbing solder ... should hold 
up for ages.  It's tin-lead solder that degrades in weather.
Dave   AB7E

On 7/12/2021 6:11 PM, Keith Dutson wrote:
  I use split bolts like this:
     On Monday, July 12, 2021, 07:43:06 PM CDT, jcjacobsen--- via 
TowerTalk <> wrote:
    Steve needs help Joining wires:
I need to electrically and mechanically join 2 perpendicular pieces of
bare, #12 copper wire. They will be subject to wind forces which have
repeatedly broken mere solder joints.

Suggestions ?

Steve, N2IC
Once again, Google is your friend:
[ | ]
This should give you the mechanical strength you need. Remember that 
solder will deteriorate when exposed to weather so protect the splice.
You can also, sometimes, find aluminum split bolts for 12 ga wire.

Good luck.
K9WN Jake

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