"My favorite example is my mother-in-laws Nissan Murano. Requires the
engine to be dropped to change the plugs!!"
My old '03 Taurus. Disconnect, and drop everything in front of the
windshield to put in struts. Not surprisingly, the years of
documentation, and videos, even the factory service manuals skip this
part. "Here's the old struts!" Cut to next page, or scene, "Here's the
new ones installed!" Took me four jacks at $100 a pop, ~six months
time, and $750 for struts (I bent one), almost busted an axle, too. The
kiloBuck, and half-day at Les Schwab was sounding better by the minute,
but I thought, hey, I'll save a few bucks... Ironically, about a month
later, I found an obscure video where one guy said, but did not show,
"You'll have to lower the engine, and transmission carrier to do this."
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